Silvia Sibaja, MD.

Medical Surgeon, Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy

Dra. Silvia Sibaja is a physician from Guachipelín de Escazú, Costa Rica.

She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery (2002) from the University of Ibero-America (UNIBE), where he also carried out a rotatory university internship (2004), took a continuing education course in Pediatrics (2005), and obtained a PhD in Medicine and Surgery (2005)



Hospital Cima, torre medica II oficina 618
Provincia de San José
Costa Rica

+50 6 8895 9797


Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the patient’s immune system generates cellular and antibody responses to substances and tissues normally present in the body.

Immunotherapy Car-T Cells

Immunotherapy CAR T stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy, which is a form of immunotherapy.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

We treat chronic lung disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and chronic bronchitis.Many of these conditions have no cure, but certain Regenerative medicine treatments can help patients breathe better.

Neurodegenerative Conditions

Our therapeutic program approaches these medical conditions by involving the transplantation of stem cells, the concept of treatment primarily focuses on the replacement of lost neurons and the restoration of neural tissue structure.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition associated with failure of the joint. It is not a disease of only the cartilage but instead the synovial joint in which all the tissues are affected including: subchondral bone, synovium, meniscus, ligaments, and cartilage. OA is the most common joint disease in humans.

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) are caused by trauma to the spinal cord that impairs physical function, mobility or feeling.
The majority of patients suffering from SCI have an intact spinal cord, but still have enough cellular damage to result in a loss of physical functioning.


One fundamental benefit of Cellular therapies for Aesthetics and Anti-aging is to boost your body’s regenerative functions when they begin to slow down. When you’re young, the body can easily replenish proteins like collagen and elastin (which form a matrix under the skin and provide volume) as well as maintain your hair growth cycle.

Sport Medicine

Most commonly associated with sports injuries, Orthobiologics are biological substances, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or stem cells. These substances are used to speed the healing process for musculoskeletal injuries. They may be used alone or in combination with conventional pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical based treatment.

Sexual Wellness

Sexual health is an incredibly important part of your life. Unfortunately, there are many conditions for both men and women that can keep you from living life to the fullest.
From erectile dysfunction to the complications from menopause
your sexual health can be disrupted.


Advancements made in regenerative medicine are swiftly approaching the development of an autism stem cell therapy. This is because stem cell therapy has already been established as an effective approach to many neurological conditions, as well as immunological, musculoskeletal, and physiological disorders and diseases.

Multiple Sclerosis

This condition is caused by an immune mediated attack targeting components of the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is the sleeve of fatty tissue that protects nerves and neurons and helps them carry messages back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body, is also known to act as an “insulator” for neurons so that they can communicate properly with each other.


The use of Heart Disease Stem Cells in the recovery of various ailments takes a new step forward after being incorporated into the treatment of infarcted patients.
An improvement in the symptomatology following coronary heart attack is observed after the implantation of stem cells in the patient's heart.

Welcome to Stemcell Center

Stemcell Center is a clinical center specializing in the use of stem cells and recovery through this procedure.

For over a decade, cell therapy has developed increasingly efficient applications for the reconstruction and regeneration of tissues, especially in the knees and hips, with patients treated from 15 to 90 years in our country and excellent results in both overcoming pain and mobility.

Our center has American Certification through Global Stem Cells Group for the treatment of regenerative medicine.

Global Stem Cells Group is an international organization based in the United States, in the state of Florida, in the city of Miami, with representative companies and memberships around the world.

We represent the products of a hundred biotechnology companies and bring together a virtuous community of shared knowledge to more than a thousand physicians trained under our protocols and techniques on five continents.

From our head office we manage the lines of work oriented to the most important stakeholders of the biotechnological and clinical sector with a vision centered on the need to bring closer and to facilitate the use of cellular therapies and medicine with application of stem cells to the greatest number of medical, scientific and patient communities.


Our mission is to be the world leader in adult stem cell therapy, training physicians in stem cell processing and application protocols and manufacturing high quality products and supplies in regenerative medicine, with the least amount of intermediation between therapy and patient.

Our strategic leadership position puts us at the forefront of stem cell research, medical education and patient care.

Global Stem Cells Group owns several companies, which operate in specific areas related to the stem cell industry, from harvesting to application. These include research, education and specializations associated with state-of-the-art tools in cellular therapies.

In our country, STEMCELL CENTER, has direct representation offices in Central Florida, U.S.A. in connection with the International Society for Stemcell Applications (ISSCA), to provide the medical and patient community as well as researchers and clinical organizations with the best practices, solutions and answers for the serious development of regenerative medicine.

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