So we have been in the regenerative medicine specialty for about 8 years. Just like pretty much everyone, we started by using Platelet Rich Plasma. We learnt about it, we were fascinated by it and we treated our patients with it. Patients loved and so did we. ‘ PRP, if obtained and used correctly is

Hair loss is very common, with tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people all over the world suffering from it. Hundreds of thousands of people decide to utilize hair restoration therapy, as well as other procedures in order to try to get at least some of their former hair back. Although some

Here at Adimarket, we sell equipment to practices that are willing and able to add PRP and stem cell therapies to their lineup. The equipment we offer is among the best, and we have helped hundreds of doctors and practices to offer PRP and stem cell therapies. However, we also provide marketing services above that

International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Sciences (IFATS) 45 Lyme Road – Suite 304 Hanover, NH 03755 USA Tel: 1-603-643-2325, Fax: 1-603-643-1444   September 26, 2016   Division of Dockets Management (HFA–305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061 Rockville, MD 20852   Re: FDA-2014-D-1856 – Comments to 2014-2015 Draft Guidance regarding: Docket


Click on photo (at left) to enlarge Photo: iPS cells feature – reprogrammed stem cells: Credit: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russian researchers have concluded that reprogramming does not create differences between reprogrammed and embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are specialized, undifferentiated cells that can divide and have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell

human stem cells

Scientists from the U.K. and Sweden have discovered a new method of creating human stem cells that could solve the problem of meeting large-scale production needs, allowing researchers to fully realize the potential of stem cells for understanding and treating disease. Human pluripotent stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the unique potential to develop

liver stem cell research

Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a new methodology for purifying liver cells generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that could facilitate progress toward an important clinical goal: treating patients with disease-causing liver mutations by transplanting unmutated liver cells derived from their own stem

stem cell medicine

Stem cell medicine is based on the concept that physicians can harness the body’s own reserves to heal itself, rather than relying exclusively on drugs or invasive surgical procedures. Stem cell medicine works by deals engineering human stem cells to replace or restore damaged or diseased organs or tissue, or establish normal function in them. While

Adipose stem cells (pictured) harvested from body fat. (Photo: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News). The discovery of abundant stem cell populations in body fat tissue changed everything the medical community thought it knew about stem cells overnight. Now, adipose stem cell therapies are driving the plastic and cosmetic surgery industries, and demand among patients keeps

George Q. Daley, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School’s newly appointed dean, led dozens of international colleagues in developing ethical guidelines for stem cell research. On March 9, 2009, President Barack H. Obama issued Executive Order 13505: Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research involving Human Stem Cells, stating that the Secretary of Health and Human Services, through

stem cell transplant

Chuck Dandridge, a Mansfield, Texas resident, became the first adult in the U.S. to receive a newly modified stem cell transplant that uses genetically engineered blood cells from a family member. The milestone was announced by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center in Dallas, where the procedure was performed.

insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells

A new discovery by researchers on how to activate lab-grown beta cells to mature into functioning cells that produce and release insulin in response to glucose take a significant step toward a cell therapy treatment for diabetes. Difficulties in manipulating beta cells derived from human stem cells to mature beyond the precursor stage into fully

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