Musculoskeletal tissue injuries and degeneration are common and debilitating for a high number of patients (Brooks, 2006). Unfortunately, endogenous musculoskeletal tissue regeneration is limited in many cases and may be affected by inflammation and the degree of damage. For example, most fractures of long bones heal spontaneously, whereas large segmental defects fail to heal. Additionally,

According to many physicians, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) has been a lifesaver for their practice, while others claimed that it helped them become passionate about medicine again. This is because not only is it 100% from the body of the patient themselves, but it is also natural and comes with pretty much no side effects. It

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Despite being rather simple, PRP extraction has been shrouded with debate on the reliability of the methods for the past decade. We are going to help clear up the debate by providing information on choosing the best PRP kit. Using a kit is in itself vital to the creation of PRP. While it is possible

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Although the clinical demand for bioengineered blood vessels continues to rise, current options for vascular conduits remain limited. The synergistic combination of emerging advances in tissue fabrication and stem cell engineering promises new strategies for engineering autologous blood vessels that recapitulate not only the mechanical properties of native vessels but also their biological function. Here

A Guide To PRP Therapy

Many clients are highly skeptical that their ailments can get better just by utilizing a few injections. Many clients may quit after a few sessions, but then return when they feel their ailments easing up. This is especially true when it comes to the practice of Rheumatology. Rheumatology has benefited immensely from the use of

Thousands of skincare centers across the nation provide at the very least one kind of PRP treatment. However, most do not go any farther than micro-needling with a topical solution. This is mainly because it is far simpler than all other methods, and it is incredibly popular. However, it would make more sense to many

PRP is a powerful means of regenerating tissues, and has pretty a pretty large growth in popularity among patients, especially those who suffer from alopecia. This is despite the apparently lack of evidence that supposedly surrounds the treatment. Is It A Lack Of Evidence Or Just A Lack Of Funding?The lack of widespread research may

Amniotic Fluid

When it comes to side effects, ease of preparation, fast treatment times, and cost, PRP is above them all in orthobiologics. However, aside from PRP, there is one other alternative that is showing promise: Amniotic Fluid.   Due to it being a really good source of regenerative material that is not only highly proliferative, but

Although they can perform surgeries, osteopathic physicians try to avoid doing so whenever possible. Because of this, PRP seems to be an excellent fit for their practice. Since Osteopathy was built on the idea of self-healing, PRP seems to be a perfect fit.   A little while ago, PRP research was reviewed by The Journal

How does the U.S. FDA regulate cell therapies? (351 vs 361 Products) In the United States, cellular therapies are regulated by the FDA’s Office of Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies (OCTGT) within the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). According to the FDA, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) regulates: Cellular

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine is the exciting cutting-edge “medicine of the future” which holds the hope & the promise of efficacy which revolves around the ability of human tissue to be repaired, replaced, and healed (regenerated) once human tissues and organs are damaged or diseased. Regenerative therapies aid and supplement the natural healing mechanisms of the body.

We want to talk here about the fascination that stem cells produce over scientists and lay people. Ever since we heard about this microscopic buddies for the first time, we started imagining endless possibilities for treatments and, why not: cures. So scientists went right to work. One of the objectives was to find ways to

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